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Biklonz Wiki

A particular group of young Biklonauts.

Biklonauts refer to special members working for or at the very least with the Jonmu Empire. They utilize the Biklonz system, which provides a highly unorthodox arsenal against the Hummar Empire.


As the name implies, everything involving a Biklonaut's arsenal revolves around his or her bicycle. For a Biklonaut to even transform, he or she needs to be wearing a bicycle helmet before using the assigned Activator, which typically contains a sysop, and the transformation chip. From there, the Activator is mounted onto the bike, and another chip is used to turn the bike into an Action Bike. The action bike is used for mobility, combat, and handling clones.

Typically, each team of Biklonauts consists of a group of five, the number needed to pilot five clones, which usually combine into a 5-part Biklone.

A Biklonaut will return to his or her normal state if his or her helmet is removed.

Known Biklonauts[]

See Also[]