Sysops (system operators, as the word usually means) are partners assigned to Biklonauts for the purposes of managing their arsenal. They are not AI, but rather preserved consciousness stored in a chip that is then connected to an Activator.
For one reason or another, an individual with ties to the Jonmu Empire becomes a sysop when his or her conscience is separated from the body and transferred to a USIM card-like chip, typically due to circumstances preventing certain injuries from being treated. This system has changed over time, with Radio Jockey being an example of an older sysop model using a cassette tape-like device instead of a chip, whereas many of the other sysops present in the series are stored in chips connected to Activators. The newer sysops are represented by avatars that resemble their former selves with blue skin due to their bodies being in cryostasis.
Sysops manage multiple programs within the Activators they reside in, often regarding the performance of the clones assigned to them. They also have direct access to certain features of active clones, like blocking noxious gases from seeping in and switching their partners' specific controls in Biklone combinations for better efficiency. In theory, the sysops can take full control if need be, though the process is complicated and has yet to be seen.
Each sysop is given a number that corresponds to the specific clone that that sysop can manage in a set. For example, Silver is assigned "05", so he has jurisdiction over clones with that number, like the Ursa Clone or Giant Elk Clone.